Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. (DGRI) is now accepting applications for the Window Wonderland Activation & Decoration Program.
This grant program provides one-time funding support to Downtown restaurants, bars and other retail establishments organizing temporary window or storefront installations that help celebrate the winter season, call attention to the business, activate Downtown’s streetspace and ultimately help drive foot traffic to increase business opportunity and activity. Applicants are encouraged to be as original and creative as possible.
Grant funds are intended to be used for helping businesses promote themselves and downtown economic activity while still protecting public health thru the winter months amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
Available Funding
Approved projects are eligible for funding of up to 100 percent of project costs not to exceed $5,000
Project proposals that exceed $5,000 will be considered on a case-by-case basis and may be subject to the approval of the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) Board.
By law, only businesses located within DDA boundaries are eligible to apply.
Project Evaluation
Any project located within the DDA boundary will be considered for the Window Activation Program. Submitted applications will be evaluated to determine their eligibility in accordance with Act 57 of 2018. The DDA will consider funding storefront activation, window décor and the use or creation of a lively public space, including but not limited to the items outlined below.
- Supplies
- Equipment
- Contracting an artist
- Other project implementation costs
Submissions & Deadlines
The DDA will receive project proposals on a rolling basis.
Submittals and questions can be directed to Kyama Kitavi ( at Downtown Grand Rapids Inc.